Monday, September 21, 2009

...Recharging the Batteries...EC&I 831 - Personal Introduction

Well, September started with a bang, in so many ways, and I am feeling somewhat drained...a worry this is, as there is still more than 9 months left to go in the school year.

However, I do believe that help is on the way!

EC&I 831, the open class run by Dr. Courosa, has started again. It is a sheer joy to sit in on his class and learn without the stress of 'making the grade'. It is also very good for my own teaching, as I am reminded that we all find ourselves on different places of the knowledge continuum at different times, reminding me that I need to adjust my own intentions, and make sure that I monitor all students for understanding.

In the spirit of the cohort, I decided to make my own intro vid. I have used Jing before but tried Camtasis Studio as an editor. It is what it is...

Banks out