Monday, November 1, 2010

On the ride home I had a thought or two...

After a crazy, insane, awesome, fantastic week I needed to write, but seeing as I was driving...anyway, here is a podcast of a few thoughts I needed to get out.

Thanks again to Kory and John, and everyone else that caused me to think this week...

Any feedback welcome,


1 comment:

John Ferguson said...


Thanks for the kind words! You are having some interesting/difficult thoughts going on.

I enjoy being on this learning journey together. Often we create more questions than we have answers. It may be a difficult place to operate, but it shows that you care that you do the correct thing. You are not satisfied doing activities in your class because you 'have' to.

Maybe we will have to accept the fact that there will never be any 'perfect' answer... Maybe that answer is the 'box' we are trying to avoid